I love that Caterpillar Clubhouse is family-owned — it’s not part of a corporate chain and as a result, it feels like we joined a big family. And unlike at corporate centers, there is almost no turnover at Caterpillar, which is testament to the staff’s dedication and the commitment of the owners to create a happy, positive workplace for their teachers.
Fast forward to 2016: My daughter is now 2 1/2, and enrolled in Caterpillar’s Exploration Preschool. She has learned SO much (colors, numbers, letters, songs) and is constantly being engaged in projects, art work, books, music, fine and gross motor experiences, free play, and cooking. She is being challenged every day and I have seen giant leaps in her social growth. She LOVES going to school and I LOVE that she is so happy. I can’t recommend Caterpillar Clubhouse enough! I look forward to continuing her education there until it’s time for kindergarten , at which point, I will be terribly sad to leave the Caterpillar Clubhouse family.
As a working parent, nothing is more important than having childcare you can trust. Caterpillar Clubhouse has by far exceeded all of my expectations!